Monday, March 24, 2008

I have been tagging most of the sport web pages that I have found online. I have focused on sports because I am a big sports fan. Most of what I have focused on have been on the major sports in the US; such as, baseball, football, basketball and I added a Mixed Martial Arts web page as well. I have also included some college athletics in my bookmarking. I still need a few more entries to bookmark so it may become random after these last 13 entries that I have done. My link is was a great video that showed the different aspects of how a business is created, ran and most importantly how a business could fail. I enjoyed seeing the intensity that took place during the work meetings, especially the intensity that was shown when the business was starting up. The loss of a great friendship between the partners was something that was eye catching because it makes you think twice about starting up a business with a close friend or family member.

NextTown Logo!

The way I would create the Next Town logo would be to intertwine the N&T together to give it a simple but yet creative look. Also, I would try to make it 3D so that it can grab the viewer's attention. I would also try to incorporate a skyscraper somewhere in between the letters to give that business sense.